- It is produced for chicks. It is working automaticly up-down side.
- When the cup is full, the weight of the water closes nipple.
- Easialy to assebly on 22 x 22 square pipe.
PLS 10-02 = Dish Cup
- It’s produced for chick.
- It’s manufactured by special plastic
- By Pressing the spring cup up to 22×22 PVC square pipe.
- Can be installed easily
PLS 10-03 = Dish Cup With Tube
- It’s produced for chick.
- It’s manufactured by special plastic
- Can be installed easily by Pressing the Adjuster up to square tube.
PLS 11-01 = Single Dripcup
- It’s produced for Broilers and Layers.
- It’s manufactured by special plastic.
- Can be installed easily.
- Keeps the floors to be dry.
PLS 11-02 = Square Cup
- It’s produced for Broilers and Layers.
- It’s manufactured by special plastic.
- Can be installed easily.
- Keeps the floors to be dry.
PLS 11-03 = Circular Cup
- It’s produced for Broilers and Layers.
- It’s manufactured by special plastic.
- Can be installed easily.
- Keeps the floors to be dry.
PLS 12-01 = Dual Dripcup
- It’s manufactured by special plastic.
- By pushing side to 22×22 PVC square pipe.
- Can be installed easily.
- Keeps the floors to be dry.
PLS 12-02 = Dual Dripcup
- It’s manufactured by special plastic.
- By pushing side to 22×22 PVC square pipe.
- Can be installed easily.
- Keeps the floors to be dry